
The lab is currently close to its maximum capacity, but we’re still taking applications from qualified applicants.

We place particular emphasis on:

  • geospatial data handling
  • photogrammetry and stereo processing
  • building experience in geologic interpretation
  • collaborative software development and scripting

We do not have contrains in specific discipline, and we expect graduate students through postdocs and researcher. We are committed to improving diversity in the planetary sciences. Applicants of diverse backgrounds are particularly encouraged to apply.

Graduate students

Graduate students from universities of Rome can join the group through the JobSoul platform. Rotation students are welcome.

Postdoctoral fellows

Please send (1) cover letter that includes the names and contacts for three references and a short statement of research interests, (2) a current CV and (3) code samples or links to published/distributed code to


Please send (1) current resume, (2) code samples or links to published/distributed code and (3) contact information for two references to The lab primarily codes in Python, Javascript and develops scripts.


If you are a Principal Investigator or Experiment coordinator, submit your proposal to collaborate with and within the laboratory on a specific topic, project or proposal.